Wednesday 18 May 2011

Should I

Trim this beautiful hair?

-- Post From My iPhone


Oatie - IWillSkate on Ice said...

No... lol! Well I did do my daughters, kind-of... when she was 4... I donated two wig lengths as my hair was below my waist... and my daughter had her hair from birth, only ever had the ends trimmed... and it took her a month to decide but she did donate her hair it was almost below her waist and she ended up with hair like Dora lol!

If it's not too much of a pain to wash and dry it... I'd keep it... :) it looks beautiful x

Oatie - IWillSkate on Ice said...

Oh and I love your banner it looks super! x

Michelle said...

I regretted cutting Lillian's and at the time it HAD to be done, I've just been thinking it has taken FOREVER to grow back and still isn't the length it was.