Wednesday 19 January 2011

Long awaited blog update.

It's been busy here with Taylor into absolutely everything but I had to find time to share some news on the kids.

I had an excellent meeting with the school this morning.  I managed to get everyone hyped about Ashley attending Grade 1 at her local school.  The special ed teacher was trying to write down a number of things  I was saying.Which I think is a good sign.  She attempted to sell me on the merits of a community classroom but she was speaking to the wrong mama.   In the end she said my case was very touching and hard to disagree with.  It helped that the Teacher, EA and school board PT where all cheering me on.  I've been preparing for this discussion for who knows how long which was lucky for me because we were suppose to meet on a new walker for Ashley not grade 1 planning. Luckily I was more then prepared.

Also  fabulous and almost unbelievable news  Ashley  gained  6 pounds in the last 7 months.  She is 27.9 pounds now.    It's amazing and I'm sure eating lunch with her peers has helped with this weight gain too.

Here's a few pictures  of the fun things Ashley gets to do at school - sledding at lunch recess. This was her lunch assistant idea too she thought this would be more fun for Ashley then the special needs stroller ride through the snow.  Boy was she right.

Reptila in the school. Scary but fun.

My boys have their first official job! Early days yet but they love it already.

Last on a bitter sweet note my girl was discharged from Early Intervention as she is turning 6 in march and now in SK.  It was bitter sweet but my girl is growing up and Dorothy the best Early Interventionist in the entire world is needed by other little ones that are just starting down this roller coaster of ups and downs.  Dorothy will always have a special place in my heart and I'm so thankful for all her kind words of encouragement and support over the past few years.  She was always available to listen and guide me in the right direction and will forever be a dear friend to me and Ashley.

Dorothy I know we will stay in-touch but I'll be missing all your wisdom, insight and your amazing presence at my side at all those school meetings.  Thank you for being one of Ashley biggest cheerleaders.  We love you!

Come back as I'll be posting video of Ashley walking unassisted with her walker very soon and she is going to trial a pretty pink wheel chair next month too.  I'll be sure to post some video clips.


The mom of 4 monkeys! said...

Wow, exciting news! Keep growing and going Ashley!!!

Sarah said...

You are an amazing person, Sherry, and Ashley is really lucky to have an incredibly advocate mom like you. Love the post :]

BusyLizzyMom said...

What a great post. That is so great they have Ashley on the sled at recess. She looks like Elizabeth sliding back, you need so much trunk strength to keep upright on a sled and that is something Elizabeth is lacking. We found the saucer works as she can sit cross legged and hang on.
Way to go for weight gain I can see how proud you are.