Tuesday, 8 June 2010

What is a mom to do?

I could really use some advice -  today unexpectedly I learned that Ashley's beloved Educational Assistant will be sent to a new school next year.  I have to admit I never saw that coming.  Apparently it's a union decision not based on what is best for my child.

This year has been very successful for my girl.  She has made progress in all areas I've blogged about this many times here, here and here for starts.  We are just so thrilled with her teacher and Education Assistant they are so experienced, caring and loving and that spills over into the entire classroom in so many ways.

I started to place calls to  see what can be done about this, then send emails and rally Ashley's team.   What else is a mom to do?  I'm worried very worried this will be a set back for my girl Kindergarten is a 2 year program here in Ontario Junior Kindergarten then Senior Kindergarten why mess with such a good thing.  I don't understand how these decisions are made are the kids involved considered.  Ashley making steady progress why change something that is working so well.    I hope someone will see that this isn't the best decision.   Any advice for me I'd love some help with this?

Here is Ashley with Rose who we love!!

If emails, phone calls and meetings don't solve this maybe I'll have to start baking cookies. 
I have a blogging friend who that worked for. 


Alicia said...

Gosh, I wish I knew what to say or suggest. I just don't know! That really stinks!

I'll be hoping and praying for the best.

The mom of 4 monkeys! said...

Oh, Sherry, that is so beyond frustrating! I hope it works out!

M. said...

I actually have a little bit of an idea what you're feeling like right now. My middle boy's EA for JK was amazing - an incredibly energetic, smart, empathetic and kind young man who actually applied to transfer with my son to the new school (when it opened as we're in a new neighborhood) and we desperately hoped his request would be approved. It was declined. We spent the entire summer in anxiety.
Then, in SK, his new EA (shared with other kids in the class) was - your same Rose. And she was great. True, he needed a bit of time to adjust to her, and he never quite developed the same bond of affection with her that he had with the previous EA, but she also had no preconceived notions about what he could and couldn't do, and expected more from him academically and socially. And he rose to it, so in the end, it worked out.

GP Whittaker said...

Hi Sherry,

I think your friend M. has the right idea. Ashley may actually benefit from the change. Since Ashley will most likely continue to have an EA, it might prove even harder for her to adapt to someone new after two years with her much loved Rose. Try to keep positive - I think you are more afraid of the unknown than anything else.


Unknown said...


I wanted to let you know that I am following you from Moms Blogger Club, "The Under 100 Followers Club" group. I am hoping when you get a chance you can follow me back at http://www.britneysbeautyblog.com and http://www.britneysbeautymark.com. Also, I would love to place a link to your site on my blog if you want to do the same with my blog on yours. Please let me know by sending me an email regarding this and it has been nice meeting you via the web.

Thanks, Tracey
(A.K.A Britney/ author)

Bugg's mama said...

Bake, Mama, BAKE! Add a nice note thanking them for all they do to support Ashley. Who knows? If nothing, you'll know you did your part without getting nasty.

Although, I've heard that works, too, but that is so not me!

Love, Bree