Friday 15 August 2008

Finally heading home

My boys are now on the road heading home after a three week summer trip with their grandparents they will be here for dinner. I can't wait to hear all about their adventures on the east coast, see if they have grown. My hubby and I will spend the next two weeks enjoying every last minute with them until school starts for all three September 2nd. We are finally taking the boys to the cottage this year and plan to head to the zoo and maybe wonderland for some thrills.

James will enter grade 3, Damon grade 1 and my little girl will start nursery school 2 mornings a week for the first time with 20 other typically developing 3 year olds. I know Ashley will be thrilled to see the other kids, she will love music and stories at circle time, and will come home with art work for the fridge, and ready for a good afternoon nap. I hope all three of them will love school this year.

I also hope no one comes down with any bad illness especially Ashley but that is something I will worry about if and when it happens. I'm feeling pretty brave about that since her lung team said nursery school in a small setting was okay with them at this age and would help her development. I also hope she will make a friend or two which I'm sure is guaranteed to happen.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thank you for your comment! Your kids are adorable; I bet the reunion with your boys was wonderful!