Today Laurissa came over to see Ashley she is from the Children's Treatment Network which is the rehabilitation network the government provides to help Ashley. Laurissa is a CDA(Communicative Disorders Assistant) and she is really great at what she does she set me up with all the PCS (picture communication system) we are using to allow Ashley to do choice making. She also spent time earlier this year showing me how to show Ashley how to form the P, B and M sounds and where i can put my fingers around her lips to help guide those sounds.
Today she brought a Mr Potato Head with all the parts and a duotag with pages of PECS of body parts, and another page with PECS of actions that can be completed with those body parts, like peekaboo for eyes, kiss for the mouth, jumping for the feet. We showed Ashley the PCS for the eyes then offered a choice of two body parts one in each hand and said Ashley pick up the eyes. She was successful 4 out of 5 times to select the body part requested. We placed the eyes on Mr Potato Head and showed her the PCS for Peekaboo and proceeded to have Mr Potato head play peekaboo with Ashley. Ashley enjoyed every minute of it and this activity helped Ashley to label PCS with body different body parts and learn PECS of various actions. If Ashley is going to learn to use a communication device she will need to learn lots of PCS and this was a very fun way that was enjoyable for her.
She also brought a balloon and a pump to blow up balloons and a sheet with all kinds of PCS for this activity. Ashley was all giggles when we let the balloon loose and it deflated while flying across the room. We showed her PCS for fun, more, blowing up balloon. She loved this too. Larissa talked to me about doing more role playing with Ashley such as with baby dolls feeding, sleeping, brushing her dolls teeth. Ashley needs more toys that are more typical of three year olds for pretend play. I think Santa will have a long list this year.
I only wish Laurissa could come more often she can only visit Ashley every 6 weeks are next appointment is late October.
Good luck with PECS, we are trying this with Myah.
I realized I've never learned what Ashley's diagnosis acutally is. I've tried to find it on your blog and maybe I'm just missing it. I just wanted to know a little more about her.
I'm posting an award on my blog for you, so check it out soon!
I came over from Myah's page to visit and I will be back.... I feel for what you are going thru... Bless your heart mommy and family! I will be back and look forward to reading back a ways to get to know you better. I am the mother of a now adult special needs child... Sweetie, I have walked somewhat in your shoes and will keep you in my prayers!!!
That's great that she responded so well to PECS! We've used those some, too.
B, P, and M are the first consonants we started working on, too. No one ever showed me, though, how to position Jackson's mouth to make those sounds. (Maybe b/c Jackson has sensory processing issues and doesn't like anyone touching his face!) It would be good to know how to do that though, as he still hasn't completely mastered those sounds.
Sounds like you have a great therapist!
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