Thursday 8 January 2009

School Projects

Today i took the kids to the dollar store to pick up craft supplies for James school project a model of a pioneer log cabin. He is going to glue and paint popsicle sticks to a shoe box and use small stones to build a fire place. He also has plans to build furniture for the inside and create a landscape as well some how. I don't remember doing fun stuff like that in grade school both my boys are excited to get started I'll be sure to post a photo once it's complete probably this weekend. I only spent $10 for all the supplies including a hot glue gun. Much more economical then his last project when i took him to Michael's a craft supply store and he created a $45 dollar home made magnetic fishing toy.

While at the dollar store i also picked up some batteries for my digital scale as i haven't been able to use it for a few months and wanted to know how much weight Ashley been gaining. Ashley weighed in at 23 pounds dressed which is good for her. I also gained 11 pounds since Dec 18th my last weight in at OB's office for my 5 month appointment. I was feeling much bigger lately and i guess the baby and i are both growing nicely.

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